Research Papers, Publications, and Speaking Engagements
Invited Speaker, “Turn the Tide: How to Create Positive Cultural Shifts.” Northern Ohio Human Resource Conference (NOHRC), Cleveland, Ohio. This workshop will focus on the impact of organizational culture on multiple levels, identify the attributes of a flourishing culture, and learning how to create positive cultural shifts.
Invited Panelist, CWRU PhD Conference entitled: “What Can You Be With A PhD?” conference. This conference is organized by the Graduate Studies Professional Development Center, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH. May 20, 2016
Invited Speaker, “The Power of Storytelling: Developing the Brand Called You.” Global HR Meeting, Steris Corporation, Mentor, OH. September 18, 2015
Invited Speaker, “The Power of Storytelling: Developing the Brand Called You.” Society for Human Resource Management, Cleveland Chapter. Corporate College East, Warrenville Heights OH. August 12, 2015
Co-Presenter, Coaching and Developing High Impact Teams. Invited presenter as part of the Coaching Certification with the International Coach Federation (Coaching by Values), Barcelona Spain. April 28, 2015
Panelist, Women Staff Leadership Development Institute, “Women and Leadership”, Flora Stone Center for Women, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH. April 15, 2015
Research Presenter. Scottish government sponsored event held at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland, UK to present my research. September 30 – October 2, 2010
Faculty Presenter, Webinar on Sustainability: A Whole Systems Perspective. Master of Science in Positive Organization Development (MPOD) program, Department of Organizational Behavior, Weatherhead School of Management. January 21, 2010
Research Presenter, Implications and Potential Application of the Mondragon Cooperative Group for Economic Development in the United States. Beyster Fellowship Symposium, La Jolla, CA. June 27 – 30, 2010
Faculty Co-Presenter, Leadership in the 21st Century. EMBA Program (Barcelona, Spain). Co-presented session to the EMBA Alumni at ESADE Business School (Barcelona) for the EMBA Day. July 2005
Faculty Co-Presenter, Leadership in the 21st Century. EMBA Program (Madrid, Spain). Presented to the EMBA Alumni at ESADE Business School (Madrid) for the EMBA Day. April 2005
Faculty Presenter, Appreciative Inquiry and Organizational Change. Executive Education (Madrid, Spain). Presented for Human Resources Managers and Executives. February 2005
Faculty Co-Presenter, Experiential Learning and Global Leadership. Co-presented session to top Danish executives in collaboration with the Executive Education Center. Spring 2005
Faculty Presenter, New Trends in Organizational Analysis and Leadership. MBA Program (Barcelona, Spain). Presented to the MBA Alumni at ESADE Business School. Fall 2004
Panelist, “1st Annual Summit on Leadership and Quality Improvement: Accelerating Change through Positive Forms of Leadership.” Case Western Reserve University, Frances Bolton School of Nursing, Cleveland, OH, October 19, 2017.
Faculty Presenter, “Leading, Creating, and Sustaining High Impact Teams.” Program’s Alumni Gathering, Antioch University’s Ph.D. in Leadership and Change Program, Antioch University, Yellow Springs, OH. July 30, 2016.
Keynote Speaker, “People Power the System.” Spring Annual Retreat, Division of Student Affairs, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland OH. May 17, 2016.
Keynote Speaker, “Communication, Connection, Change.” Administrative Professional Network, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland OH. March 9, 2016.
Moderator and Speaker, Leadership Development for Developing Leaders. American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) of Northeast Ohio Chapter. April 10, 2014.
Invited Speaker and Workshop Presenter, “Developing High Impact Adaptative Teams in Organizations to contribute to effective strategic implementation”. Society for Strategy in Latin America (SLADE) Conference, Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, Argentina. May 2013.
Presenter, Group of Aspiring of Lubrizol Leaders (GOALL) Program, The Lubrizol Corporation, Wickcliffe, OH. October 22, 2012.
Invited Presenter, School of Nutrition, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH. Networking and Social Capital. February 18, 2013.
Invited Presenter, School of Law, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH. Emotional Intelligence and Career Success. January 31, 2013.
Keynote Speaker, National Society of Hispanic MBA (NSHMBA) Cleveland Chapter, Weatherhead School of Management, Cleveland, OH.
Presented a keynote address for the conference entitled “Windows of Opportunity.” October 9, 2010.
Invited Presenter, Organization Development Connection (ODC), Hilton Beachwood Hotel, Beachwood, OH. April 2, 2008.
International Conferences:
Richley, B.A., Lingham, T., Madden, J. Evidence-based Team Development: Pre-post Assessment of Team Experiences with Team Coaching Intervention. Tenth International Workshop on Human Resource Management, October 27-28, 2016.
Lingham, T., Richley, B.A., Addision II, D.P. The Evolution of Team Development Models: A juxtaposition of scientific theories, team research and practice. Tenth International Workshop on Human Resource Management, October 27-28, 2016.
Lingham, T. & Richley, B.A. Developing a Measure of Learning Needs: Linking Creativity, Learning and Work Motivation. Spirituality and Creativity in Management World Congress. Barcelona, Spain, April 23-25, 2015.
Whitehouse, P., Whitehouse, C., Richley, B.A., Lingham, T., Schiller, M., & Willoughby, G. Intergenerativity: Learning between and among to create the sustainable beyond. World Appreciative Inquiry Summit. Kathmandu, Nepal, November 17, 2009.
Lingham, T., Serlavos, R., & Richley, B.A. Conversational spaces in teams: An exploratory cross-cultural study of American and Spanish MBA teams. European Academy of Management Conference, Rhetorical Methods in Management Studies: Narratives, Metaphors, Conversation Analysis and Discourse Analysis Track. Munich, Germany, May 2005.
Lingham, T., Richley, B.A., Calabretta, G., Espanyo, J.C., Hohberger, J., Rezania, D., Straub, C., & Suarez-Barraza, M.F. The hedgehog, the fox, but not the magister’s pox: Theorizing about the creative process in organizational research drawing from the experience of scientists and artists. European Academy of Management Conference, Rhetorical Methods in Management Studies: Narratives, Metaphors, Conversation Analysis and Discourse Analysis Track. Munich, Germany, May 2005.
Conferences in the US:
Richley, B.A., & Lingham, T. Enhancing Service Learning: Including assessment of team experience and coaching student teams to develop leadership and membership skills. Assessment Institute Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana. October 21-24, 2018.
Madden, J., Richley, B.A., Wall, J., & Lingham, T. "Service Learning using an Action Learning Approach to Inspire and Enable a Better World." A PDW submitted to the Academy of Management Conference, Orlando, FL. August 9-13, 2013.
Richley, B.A. “We the People.” Documentary Discussant. Foundation for Enterprise Development, Beyster Fellowship Symposium, La Jolla, CA. June 23-26, 2013.
Richley, B. A., Lingham, T., Dolan, S. “Care-based Practices: An emergent conversation on creating and sustaining care in action.” A PDW presented at the Academy of Management Conference, Montreal, Canada. August 5-13, 2010.
Wankel, C., & Richley, B.A. “Developing Multinational and Multilingual Learning Resources.” A PDW presented at the Academy of Management Conference, Montreal, Canada. August 5-13, 2010.
Richley, B.A. “A Theory of Socio-business Diffusion: Understanding the influence of Mondragon Corporacion Cooperativa as a positive force for change at the intersection of business and society.” Beyster Fellowship Symposium, La Jolla, CA. June 27-30, 2010.
Richley, B.A., Lingham, T. Rezania, D. & Benson, L. "Undergraduate Leadership Development: Introducing Reflective Pedagogy into the Curriculum," Professional Development Workshop, Academy of Management Conference, Anaheim, CA. August 8-13, 2008.
Richley, B.A., Wankel, C. & Stoner, J.F. “Making Large Global Collaborations Succeed,” Professional Development Workshop, Academy of Management Conference, Anaheim, CA. August 8-13, 2008.
Richley, B.A., Wankel, C. & Stoner, J.F. “Leading and Managing for Global Sustainability: A Conversation for Possibility and Action,” Professional Development Workshop, Academy of Management Conference, Anaheim, CA. August 8-13, 2008.
Richley, B.A. An inquiry into the diffusion of a values-based innovation: A study of Mondragon Corporacion Cooperativa and its influence as a business/social model. Business as an Agent of World Benefit: Management Knowledge Leading Positive Change. Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH. October 22-25, 2006.
Lingham, T., Richley, B.A. & Royo, C. T-groups revisited: The significance of sensitivity training to managerial learning and development for the 21st century. Academy of Management Annual Conference, Managerial Education and Development Division. Honolulu, Hawaii. August 5-10, 2005.
Lingham, T. & Richley, B.A. The Experience of organizational change: The significance of conversations across levels. Academy of Management Annual Conference, Organizational Development and Change Division. Honolulu, Hawaii. August 5-10, 2005.
Richley, B.A. & Lingham, T. Examining a gendered culture: Individual and institutional factors impacting women’s desired futures. Academy of Management Annual Conference, Gender and Diversity Division, New Orleans, LA. August 6-11, 2004.
Richley, B.A. Articulating Shared Values in Large Systems: Mobilizing Appreciative Inquiry at the American Red Cross. The First International Conference on Appreciative Inquiry: Accelerating Positive Change, Baltimore, MD. 1998.
Petty, G., & Lingham, T. (2019). Coaching Teamwork in the classroom Using an Innovative Team-Coaching Process. Nursing Education Perspectives, Innovative Section. 10.1097/01.NEP.0000000000000320.
Lingham, T., & Richley, B.A. (2018) High Impact Engagement: A two-phase approach for individual and team development. Bloomington, IN: iUniverse Publishers.
Addison, D., Lingham, T., Uslay, C., & Lee, O. (2017). An Entrepreneurial Relationship Marketing Approach to B2B Selling: The Case for Intellectual Capital Sharing. Journal of Research in Entrepreneurial Marketing and Entrepreneurship, 19(1): pp. 2-25.
Pereyra-Rojas, M., Mu, E., Gaskin, J., & Lingham, T. (2017). The Higher-Ed Organizational-Scholar Tension: How Scholarship Compatibility and the Alignment of Organizational and Faculty Skills, Values and Support Affects Scholar’s Performance and Well-Being. Frontiers in Psychology Original Research 8: pp 1-17. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00450.
Case, S.S. & Richley, B.A. (2013). Gendered Institutional Research Cultures in Science: The post-doc transition for women scientists. Community, Work & Family, 16(3): 327-349.
Richley, B.A. (2010). Sustainability: A whole system perspective. Organization and Management, 4(8): 117-130. Gliwice, Poland.
Lingham, T., Richley, B.A., & Serlavos, S.S. (2008). Measuring and Mapping Team Interaction: A cross-cultural comparison of US and Spanish MBA teams. Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal, 16(1): 5-27.
Dolan, S., Richley, B.A., Garcia, S., & Lingham, T. (2008) Management by Values (MBV): Culture redesign for managing organizational complexity in a global economy. European Business Forum.
Charas, S., & Lingham, T. (2013). Evaluating Your Board as a Team. The Corporate Board, July/August: 15-18.
Lingham, T. (2010). Minimizing Corruption in Organizations: Harnessing the Value of Teams. In A. Stachowicz- Stanusch (Ed.), Organizational Immunity to Corruption: Building Theoretical and Research Foundations (pp. 325-337). Katowice, Poland: The Katowice Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
Rezania, D., & Lingham, T. (2009). Coaching IT Project Teams: A Design Toolkit. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 2(4): 577-590.
Rezania, D., & Lingham, T. (2009). Towards a Method to Disseminate Knowledge from the Post Project Review. Knowledge Management Research and Practice, 7:172-177.
Lingham, T., Richley, B.A., & Serlavos, S.S. (2009). Measuring and Mapping Team Interaction: A cross-cultural comparison of US and Spanish MBA teams. Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal, 16(1): 5-27.
Suarez-Barraza M., & Lingham, T. (2008). Kaizen within Kaizen Teams: Continuous and process improvements in a Spanish municipality. Asian Journal of Quality, 9(1): 1-21.
Dolan, S., & Lingham, T (2007). Fundamentals of International Organizational Behavior. New Delhi, India: Sara Books Pvt. Ltd. This is a text book for undergraduate and graduate (Masters) level students.
Rezania D., & Lingham T. (2006).Teamcoaching en Teamgericht Leren, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Coaching, 04- 06: 37-40.
Rezania, D., & Lingham, T. (2005). Coaching Project Leaders: Improving Craftsmanship versus Professional Executive Coaching. Published in the Proceedings for the12th European Mentoring and Coaching Conference, Zurich, Switzerland.
Rezania, D., Dolan, S., & Lingham, T. (2005). A Lateral Study of Change Imperatives Leading to Project Success: Developing a model for project management. Published in the Proceedings for the 4th International Meeting of the IberoAmerican Academy of Management Conference. Lisbon, Portugal, December 8-11.
Lingham, T. (2005). The Team Learning and Development Inventory.
Lingham, T. (2004). Developing a Measure of Conversational Learning in Teams. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH.